Rotary was started by Paul Harris
Paul Percy Harris (April 19, 1868 – January 27, 1947) was a Chicago, Illinois, attorney. He founded Rotary International in 1905
Paul Harris Fellow
Who can become a Paul Harris Fellow?
Individuals who have contributed more than $1000 to the Annual Program Fund, the Polio Plus Fund or the Humanitarian Grants Program of the Rotary Foundation are recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Additionally, individual Rotary clubs may from time to time honor individuals as Paul Harris Fellows. These honorees are individuals who meet high professional and personal standards set forth by Paul Harris. Paul Harris recognition is not limited to Rotarians.
A Paul Harris Fellow receives a special certificate and a gold pin. At the discretion of the Fellow's club, the Fellow may also receive a gold medallion on a blue-and-gold ribbon.

Known Paul Harris Fellows of the Rotary Club of Katherine Inc (including past members and friends)
Graeme Balk
Bob Mackie
Edith Mackie
Christine Sutherland
John Leo
Shirley Smith
Christopher Dixon
Pamela Dixon